The Only Family Club In City
The Fiji Club Dress Code
The Council at its meeting on 26th October, 2005 has determined that, in keeping with the principles outlined in By-Laws 24.1, the following guidelines should be used in determining a suitable standard of dress within the housed areas of the Club
DAILY- Monday to Friday
All patrons must dress in manner appropriate to the high standards of the Club and those who frequent it. Patrons whose mode of dress is considered unbecoming or offensive may have this pointed out by security, a Steward or a member and if this transgression is brought to the attention of the Council, remedial action may be taken. Service may be refused for non-compliance.
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays
Patrons may enter the Club while wearing presentable shorts and collared T-shirts with sleeves (vests not allowed)
AFTER 7PM- Seven days a week
Gentlemen: - Long trousers, men’s sulus or dress shorts with collared shirts must be worn together with proper footwear
Ladies: - A standard of dress that is compatible with that of gentlemen
Bare feet or flip flops (jandals,thongs or masseurs type sandals)
Bare torsos or sleeveless shirts, vests, tank tops
Shirts without collars (except Saturday’s, Sunday’s & Public Holidays up to 12 mid-night)
Apparel in need of repair (rips, etc.)
Swimwear or sports attire